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Remembering Mike

Much has happened.

Mike passed away 8/27/18 at home in his room, it will be seven months tomorrow. We were there. Vickie at his right side, Barbara at his left and me at the foot of the bed. We witnessed his final breath...he quietly slipped away.

I was thinking yesterday, he has been gone long enough (as though he went on an extended vacation), time for him to come home, time to sit and have a long conversation about everything and nothing. I miss my friend, I miss my brother.

Life continues on as with any loss the empty space disappears among the noise of responsibility and the chatter of the mundane.

The years change our perception and understanding of life. When we're young we feel immortal that endless summers await. In the autumn of our years, we realize there is much more behind us than what lies ahead. Am I in the winter of life, God only knows? For me, I am acting as if it's still autumn, for the foundation of this season is experience, knowledge, and wisdom.

Wiser decision making - less impulsiveness - more kindness - a loving heart.

Spending time with those that matter, letting those moments become an endless cord from my heart to theirs. My sister is contemplating moving up north where our youngest sister lives, this would be good for her, the house she and Mike shared echos their years together, two peas in a pod, that is what we used to call them. You really couldn't tell where one ended and the other began.

Most of us are not that fortunate to find someone that totally 'gets us'.

It took years for them to find each other, but once they did there wasn't a day that they didn't spend together. Yes, two peas in a pod.

Mike was a spiritual breath of fresh air, he believed in signs from the Universe, he had a decision to make and was not clear as to the direction he should go. So asking for a sign, as he left for work he spoke to the powers-that-be to give him a specific sign if he was to move ahead with this particular opportunity he wanted to see a yellow rose on his way to work. Now you have to admit that's pretty specific, a yellow rose and before he reached his destination, that seemed to be a pretty tall order.

As he traveled his normal route he noticed a yellow VW bug next to him keeping pace. It traveled a couple of miles more and then sped up and pulled in front of him, glancing down at the VW's license plates as the car made a right turn were the words "the rose". So, he had his answer.

The Universe works like that when you least expect you get a sign, it may not have been a yellow rose but the Universe had answered all the same.

The night before Mike's passing it rained, something we covet here in the desert, he had mentioned that he had lain awake listening to the raindrops gently tapping the window pane next to his bed, he felt that it was a parting gift, how he loved the rain.

Regrets, no. My sisters and I were there to hold space for his passing, sending him off to the loved ones that were waiting on the other side. We mourn our loss, they cheer their reunion. How many tomorrows are there, I don't know but I do know our Mike will be there to ease the way.


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