Phone Sessions: The phone number for sessions is 623-328-7894.
Lynda is available for international sessions. If you live abroad you may contact Rachel to schedule an appointment, ( ).
Cancellations are accepted 24 hours prior to appointment, the complete policy here
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy
There is a 24 Hour Reschedule Policy. If you wish to reschedule your appointment, you must email your request to no later than 24 hours prior to your appointment time. If you miss your pre-paid appointment for any reason or cancel with less than 24 hours before your appointment time, you will not receive a refund and the pre-paid amount will not be applied or credited to another appointment time.
Please check time zones to ensure you do not miss your appointment.
If you are 10 minutes late or more for an appointment, your appointment is subject to cancellation and considered a missed appointment. Late appointments will not receive the full amount of time scheduled. You will not receive a refund or discount for late appointments. Please contact Rachel ( if you know you will be late. She will determine if there is enough time left to continue the session, however, the appointment is subject to cancellation if you are 10 minutes late or more.
If you wish to reschedule an appointment, you must email your request no later than 24 hours before your scheduled appointment time, or your appointment is considered missed or cancelled.