November 2023
November 2023 The Galactic surge of energy is, and has been blanketing the earth for the past few years. This energy (information...

Calling Me Home | TOMAS
I covet my morning communion with spirit, it's my sacred space.

Do You Need This?
Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that helps keep the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy and plays a crucial role in the creation...

Remembering Mike
Much has happened. Mike passed away 8/27/18 at home in his room, it will be seven months tomorrow. We were there. Vickie at his right...

Silence has a Voice
Sitting in silence brings the clarity of inner dialogue with spirit. When the mind is still, it becomes like a pool that ripples when...

Aren't We All
My brother-in-law at 56 years of age passed away, he had been diagnosed with cancer 34 days before. Mike was resting in what had been...

The Fragility of Life
Barb's birthday 63, Mike has cancer 56 There is a depth, awareness in the mundane things, they become sacred rituals, no longer are...

The Invitation
There is no time to whimper and complain for the next deadline looms, the next responsibility is front and center demanding attention, there

Tired Gratitude
My sisters called this morning. Inviting me to join them for lunch, reluctantly I declined. My day is full of appointments. My mind is on...

Troubled Waters
The Japanese believe that when something has suffered damage it becomes even more beautiful. When a bowl is broken in Japan, it's put...