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Army of One

One must go into the dark to serve the Light
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The Calling

1957 during an alter call in a Nazarene church in the Midwest

I surrendered to the Call of Higher Realms.

I was six years old. I was given knowing and the understanding

of the difficult path that would lie ahead. 


1965 my first consistent interaction with my unseen team.

1973 I ran away from my home and family in search of answers, thinking I was losing my mind, I found the late Dick Sutphen this was my saving Grace. I began to listen to his guided meditation that lay the foundation for the control and further development of my abilities. Spirit and my team were my teachers.

1975 Began doing readings, was contacted by a military entity and asked for my assistance, this led to working with law enforcement.

In the eighties when metaphysical information began to appear I was told to not read, or follow what was being shared, I was to access and garner this knowledge from my inner knowing through meditation, channeling, automatic writing and ancient memories that began to surface. And thus began a solo path of working behind the scenes.

TOMAS 1987

Tomas made their appearance spontaneously in 1987 during a group meditation, for a period of time I did gallery channelings, bringing through knowledge and responding to questions during group sessions. I soon felt that I was to take a back seat with the public channeling knowing I would be called to come forward at a later time with Higher Truths that were not in-sync with the frequency of humanity and the planet at that time.


Experiencing the void and no time, the point of creation. Standing on a curb with my sister we slipped into the void, there was absolute stillness, we watched as a scene was constructed much like a frame of a movie or when you hit the pause on something you are watching and then resume the movie the action picks up as if the pause didn't happen. The scene that unfolded before our eyes was startling and has made a lasting impression. We witnessed someone stepping off the curb across the street from us and being hit by a car that appeared 'out of nowhere', but we watched how it was constructed within the void. We as individuals have experienced this place of no place, no time, the void on a few other occasions since that initial experience.

It has been a sojourn that has offered challenges on every level but each brought understanding and wisdom. I am only one of an army that has been tasked to be the Lighthouse for those who find themselves on this journey. Not everyone will  become awake and aware at the same time, each is encoded with their unique Awaken Code(s)© there is no doing anything to help people wake up, they each have their own internal prompt. When they begin looking for answers the teachers will appear.


Now more than ever I believe that we are being reminded that we are more than just humans, we are creative beings born to express the power of the cosmos through the manifestations of our daily lives.

My purpose is to share things with you, to help you make sense of your life, to give you a place of comfort, a space to see yourSelf, to be yourSelf and if you so choose, to grow.

And so it is.

From my heart to yours,

Lynda Diane

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